Jun 18Liked by Krista Steele

"Never mind what this person you don't even know said. Do YOU think you're good enough?" Wow I need to watch more kids' movies for these nuggets of wisdom! ;-)

And okay, those denim shorts are ADORABLE but do they come in an un-frayed variety? I feel like frayed jeans always end up super wonky after I've washed them a few times. (Possibly because I pull at the strings and snip them anytime they get long enough to trick me into thinking a bug just crawled on my inner thigh...)

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The Sing movies and Frozen 2 WRECK ME

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Jun 18Liked by Krista Steele

Ooh love all the shorts recs!!

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I’m just here to discuss the truly important issues, ya know?

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I’m here for it.

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YES to this!! - “you deserve to wear clothes that fit the body you have now” ❤️

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Me preaching to myself in all the fitting rooms 😂

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Jun 18Liked by Krista Steele

I just listen to the audio of Guncles and loved it … been using the Libby app for audio books and so can’t wait till I can get the next series

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I love Libby!! When there’s a new release audiobook I want to listen to, I use Spotify. You get a certain number of hours included each month!

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I’ve been kind of reading The Celebrants for months now, because I loved The Guncle, but I just can’t get into it! Maybe I should just give up and jump on The Guncle Abroad?

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