This is the summer of…
barbecue chips, bags and bags and bags of barbecue chips eaten on lounge chairs at the community pool in the 10 minute breaks between swim periods.
This is the summer of guacamole, so many batches of guacamole for parties and ordinary Tuesday nights and the freezer (yes!). James’ whole body shakes as he tries to free the green flesh from its pockmarked skin. Lucy pressed the juice from limes with all her strength. It would be faster to do it myself but I don’t have the heart to tell them no, even though I’ll be finding bits of cilantro and wrinkled red onion around the house for days.
This is the summer of “Elsa braids”, black raspberries picked from the bushes around our neighborhood pond, popsicle stains on sunshine pajamas, ice cream before dinner.
This is the summer of cannonballs and goggles and blowing bubbles at the community pool. The summer of impromptu splash pads and creeking and jumping in the pond and so much laundry from all the outfit changes.
This is the summer of the sandbox, the summer of truck safaris, and long walks in the wagon.
This is the summer of scream singing the Sing and Sing 2 soundtracks in the car on our way to the park, the zoo, the library, dancing in the driveway and the kitchen and the bathroom mirror.
This is the summer of color; poppy red, blush pink, lavender, olive green, crisp white, sky blue. This is the summer of flowers in cup holders.
This is the summer of therapy, of dreams taking shape, of seeing hours of work and prayer bearing fruit.
This is the summer of asking for help, and receiving it when it’s offered. Long walks alone, mornings writing in coffee shops or over lunch, keys and pages stained. Sunset yoga on a flower farm, iced tea and lemonade and a novel on the front porch while the kids nap.
This is the summer I watched a family tradition live on, my kids and my cousins’ kids playing in my aunt’s yard, only stopping long enough to eat ice cream out of their great-grandparent’s old ice cream maker.
This is the summer of small delights and big dreams. All of it sun warmed and shining.
It’s your turn!
I want to know what you’re holding onto from this summer! Share in the comments! Or if that’s not your style, set a timer for 5 minutes and jot it down in a notebook.
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Oh I love this!!! I think I’ll journal it or maybe do my version on my ‘stack and refer back to this for the inspiration. Sounds like a wonderful summer!! 💗
This is the summer of sitting on my butt while my daughter runs around me WITHOUT guilt.