Oh I love this!!! I think I’ll journal it or maybe do my version on my ‘stack and refer back to this for the inspiration. Sounds like a wonderful summer!! 💗

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Oooooh I can’t wait to read it!!!

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This is the summer of sitting on my butt while my daughter runs around me WITHOUT guilt.

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LOVE THAT!!! Conserve that energy, friend!

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Oooo I love this! We are delighting in our gardens more this year! We built them out last year and didn’t know what would come back after moving and adding plants. It’s been fun to find the treasures and watch them grow with all their new space!

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Oooohhh I love that! MY husband built me two raised beds this year and I’m already thinking about what I’ll do differently next year. What are you growing?!

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Well we moved a ton of my mom and grandmas split up garden plants into our gardens this year so a longggggg list of sun and shade flowers. And then a veggie garden bed (temporary as we build a bigger veggie garden for next year around the chicken coop)! Lots of tomatoes this year because we didn’t know if we’d be able to even do it this year at all so I didn’t start much. And a big bed of dahlias that will move into our veggie garden space next year as well! These have been fun to learn about growing!

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What a fun surprise to see which plants gift you with their presence again!! 🫶🌱

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This. Was. Delightful. Especially because I’m mid-winter but might steal this for a summer prompt when it rolls around in the southern hemisphere 💛

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That’s so insane to me. I get so wrapped up in my own little world that I completely forget that it’s winter elsewhere. I can’t wait to read Rebecca’s Version when I’m walking around my house in slippers and trading in my iced tea for hot 😂

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Jul 2Liked by Krista Steele

Ooh! I might snag this as a writing topic if you don’t mind?! Also… sunset yoga on a flower farm sounds like an absolute DREAM

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o only do I not mind, I hope you do! I can’t wait to read it!! Sunset yoga is soooo fun! The owner of the farm and the instructor are both so sweet and we always get flowers on our way out. It’s lovely, if a little buggy.

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Sounds amazing! Can’t wait to read what you come up with.

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I love this prompt!

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Right?! I love marking the passing of time by Summer.

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Definitely gonna do this... When our ministry week is over 🫣

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Godspeed! I hope it’s a fun creative break!

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Thank you, Kim!!

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Absolutely stunning!

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Jul 2Liked by Krista Steele

I am absolutely doing this! Loved reading about your summer friend! ❤️

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LOVE this Krista!! Just reading your worlds brings sunshine to my heart 💛 Guacamole is my favorite!! And your braiding skills are awesome!! I have 3 girls and I want to get more courageous and creative with their hair styles. 😊 This summer I am delighting in traveling with my family, going for walks, lots of time in the pool, and snuggling up on the coach to read when we need a break from the heat. 💖

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